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Guitar Craft: A Brief Introductory Guide to Practice

Limited Softcover Edition, Handbound

Release Date: April 26th 2024

This Guide is an introduction to the practice of Guitar Craft, as experienced by one of its exponents from the late 1990s. It includes details of its guiding principles and the activities that made up daily life in a European Guitar Craft house at that time. Such activities involve guitar practice and the daily routine – kitchen, cleaning, etc. – as well as personal ‘inner work’ through Themes. The key GC repertoire is presented along with details of the New Standard Tuning and developing a relation with the guitar. Various complementary exercises are set out.

This limited artisanal edition was printed by Circular Studio, and handbound by binding artist Paula Ileana Favaloro.

Price: $30 USD

Please contact us via message (info@pomera.co.uk), Facebook or Instagram to coordinate sale and shipping.

Guitar Craft: Breve Introducción a la Práctica

Este libro es una breve introducción a Guitar Craft según la experiencia de uno de sus practicantes. Contiene un detalle de los principios rectores y las actividades que constituían la vida cotidiana en una casa europea de Guitar Craft de fines de los 90, tales como la práctica con la guitarra, la rutina diaria y el trabajo personal “interior” a través de Temas. El libro presenta además el repertorio clave de Guitar Craft, detalles de la Nueva Afinación Estándar (New Standard Tuning), pautas para el desarrollo de una relación renovada con la guitarra y varios ejercicios complementarios.


Editado por Pomera Ediciones Argentina
Copyright © Michael Grenfell
De la traducción © Pablo Ferraioli
Editor ejecutivo: Pablo Mandel


La presente edición artesanal, limitada y numerada, fue impresa en Circular Studio en papel Fedrigoni Bulky Cream 75 g, con una impresora Ricoh P800.
Encuadernado artesanal por Paula Ileana Favaloro


Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mayo de 2023


ISBN de la edición en inglés: 978-0-9935670-2-5

Edición especial disponible para compra a un precio de $40 USD en Pomera Ediciones Argentina. Puedes contactar vía Facebook, Instagram o email (info@pomera.co.uk) para coordinar compra y entrega.



Digital Hybrid: Seeking the Sacred Through Music Software

Forthcoming in Early 2025

Digital Hybrid is the culmination of Tywi J H Roberts’ PhD composition work at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, which was an extensive exploration of integration between electronic forces and acoustic forces in both recording and performance situations, as well as distributed creativity among many collaborating artists and performers.

The book takes the form of a creative commentary, and is an accompaniment to the album of the same name (releasing in 2022). It has been synthesised from a collation of Tywi’s writings on all the major works which he premiered in the period from 2018 – 2021.

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